Two Dimensions Preparatory Academy

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Two Dimensions Preparatory Academy Charter School District has a “zero tolerance” policy against any type of bullying.  Students caught bullying at school can be disciplined under Section 2 of our Student Parent Handbook.  If you believe you are being bullied or if you know someone who is, please contact your school's principal or you can visit our website page at and make a report by completing the STOP Bullying Report Form. The report can be made anonymously. 


David’s Law is an Act known as David’s Law and took effect September 01, 2017.  The Act relates to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying and requires school districts to adopt policies and procedures concerning bullying and to include “procedures for a student, parent, teacher, or administrator to anonymously report an incident of bullying…”. You can find Senate Bill 179 David’s Law in it's entirety here.