Enrollment Packet
The District requires that each enrollment packet be completed in its entirety. Along with submitting the completed enrollment packet, applicants must submit the original social security card, child identification (birth certificate), current immunization card, and previous school records. The District also requires that the person eligible to enroll the student provide proof of residency in the district, which for district purposes is a current lease agreement, closing contract on a home and a letter from their builder or realtor with an estimated closing date, or a current utility bill (gas, light, or water) in the parent or guardian's name (Multi-Family Residence-Affidavit). The parent/guardian is also required to provide proof of identification (driver’s license or an identification card) at the time of enrollment. The district may withdraw any student who ceases to be a resident. Enrollment packets are not allowed to leave the building and parents must bring in all required documents at the time of enrollment.
Social Security
TDPACS requires a social security number for each student. Should the parents or guardians not make this number available due to foreign status; a state student identification number is assigned to the student for record identification.
Child's Identity
Texas Education Code requires a parent or legal guardian to present within 30 days of a child's enrollment, proof of the child's identity, such as birth certificate or any other acceptable document) to the district. Only originals are accepted. If the district does not receive complete immunization records or proof that immunizations have begun within 30 days of enrollment, then the district may withdraw the student. If this information is not provided or if a child is enrolled under a name other than the child’s name as it appears in the identifying document or records, the district is required to notify Texas Department of Public Safety Missing Children and Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse at (800) 346-3243.
Immunization Requirements
Texas law requires immunization for all students enrolled in school. An affidavit must be on file at the school for students who are exempt from immunization for reasons of conscience, including religious. To claim an exemption due to reasons of conscience, a student's parent or legal guardian must request, sign, and submit an official DSHS affidavit form to the child's school. The affidavit is valid for two years. A student enrolling in TDPACS for the first time must present satisfactory evidence of meeting the following immunizations:
- Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTP): 4 or more doses of DTP/DTTD. One dose must have been received since their fourth (4th) birthday and one (1) dose within the last ten (10) years.
- Haemophilus Influenza Type B (Hib): one (1) dose of Hib conjugate vaccine administered on or after fifteen (15) months of age: a primary series and booster completed at twelve (12) months of age; and one (1) dose of Hib polysaccharide vaccine (HibPV) administered after twenty-four (24) months of age.
- Polio: 3 or more doses of Polio vaccines, including at least one (1) dose since the fourth birthday.
- Hepatitis A: two (2) doses of vaccine.
- Hepatitis B: three (3) doses of vaccine.
- Measles: (1) dose of measles vaccine on or after the first birthday or provide a physician verified history of measles illness or serologic proof of immunity to measles and one (1) additional dose measles vaccine at the age of five.
- Mumps: one (1) dose of mumps vaccine on or after the first birthday and one (1) additional dose mumps vaccine at the age of five.
- Rubella: one (1) dose of Rubella vaccine on or after the first birthday or provide serologic proof of immunity to Rubella and one (1) additional dose rubella vaccine at the age of five.
- Varicella: one (1) dose on or after the first birthday and one (1) additional dose Varicella vaccine at the age of five.
Students who are claiming an exemption from the State required immunizations must turn in an original state Affidavit when registering the child(ren). Information can be found at Conscientious Exemptions
La ley de Texas requiere vacunas para todos los estudiantes matriculados en la escuela. Una declaración jurada debe estar archivada en la escuela para los estudiantes que están exentos de vacunas por razones de conciencia, incluidas las religiosas. Para reclamar una exención por motivos de conciencia, el padre o tutor legal del estudiante debe solicitar, firmar y enviar un formulario de declaración jurada oficial de DSHS a la escuela del niño. La declaración jurada es válida por dos años. Un estudiante que se inscribe en TDPACS por primera vez debe presentar evidencia satisfactoria de cumplir con las siguientes vacunas:
- Difteria / tétanos / tos ferina (DTP): 4 o más dosis de DTP / DTTD. Se debe haber recibido una dosis desde que cumplieron cuatro (4) años y una (1) dosis en los últimos diez (10) años.
- Haemophilus Influenza Tipo B (Hib): una (1) dosis de la vacuna conjugada de Hib administrada a los quince (15) meses de edad o después: una serie primaria y refuerzo completados a los doce (12) meses de edad; y una (1) dosis de vacuna de polisacárido Hib (HibPV) administrada después de los veinticuatro (24) meses de edad.
- Polio: 3 o más dosis de vacunas contra la polio, incluida al menos una (1) dosis desde el cuarto cumpleaños.
- Hepatitis A: dos (2) dosis de vacuna.
- Hepatitis B: tres (3) dosis de vacuna.
- Sarampión: (1) dosis de la vacuna contra el sarampión en o después del primer cumpleaños o proporcionar un historial médico verificado de la enfermedad del sarampión o prueba serológica de inmunidad al sarampión y una (1) dosis adicional de la vacuna contra el sarampión a la edad de cinco años.
- Paperas: una (1) dosis de la vacuna contra las paperas en o después del primer cumpleaños y una (1) dosis adicional de la vacuna contra las paperas a la edad de cinco años.
- Rubéola: una (1) dosis de la vacuna contra la rubéola en o después del primer cumpleaños o proporcionar prueba serológica de inmunidad a la rubéola y una (1) dosis adicional de la vacuna contra la rubéola a la edad de cinco años.
- Varicela: una (1) dosis en o después del primer cumpleaños y una (1) dosis adicional de la vacuna contra la varicela a la edad de cinco años.
Los estudiantes que estén reclamando una exención de las vacunas requeridas por el estado deben entregar una Declaración jurada del estado original al registrar al niño (s). Se puede encontrar información en Exenciones de conciencia